I visited my Cariologist today for an echocardiogram (ultrasound) to make pictures of my heart and get an update on:

  • the size, shape, and movement of the heart
  • the pumping strength
  • if heart valves are working correctly

This is usually measured as a percentage, with the normal percentage being in the 50-65% range…

Two years ago, my heart was functioning at 40%

Bottom line, if you had an (echocardiogram) and your number’s 40, treat it as a warning to make some changes or you’re going to have other heart problems.

Today, 4-4-2018, my heart is functioning at a healthy 55%

Thanks to this amazing news, even though I currently have AFIB (left ventricle got a flat tire and the heart flutters), I am now healthy enough to be a candidate for a Cardioversion where Doctors restore regular rhythms by sending an electrical shock to the heart.

Who would have ever believed that my heart would RECOVER from all the years of Wear, Tear and Damage??

I believe you too can make this type of health improvement — let’s start together today!